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Glenn County Center

Student Services


Click on any of the yellow links for more information. 

Admissions & Records                                                                                                                            Services include: applying to Butte College, requesting official transcripts, registration, paying fees, official change of information, and more. You may call (530) 895-2511 for general information or email For information in Spanish, call (530) 895-2284.

Bookstore                                                                                                                                                        The Bookstore now uses an online service. Click on the link above to order texbooks.

Calculators                                                                                                                                                   德州仪器TI-30Xa太阳能,TI-83 Plus和TI-84 Plus可供检查. Limited supply. 主校区数学系每学期也会出借计算器. Please contact Elise Theriault at

Career and Academic Assessment Center                                                                                               所有新生和归国学生必须使用“职业和学术档案”完成在线职业和学术档案 (CAP) tool prior to registration. K-12 students are exempt.

Career Counseling                                                                                                                                    Career & Employment Services can help you choose a major or career path, find a job, practice interviews, and help with your resume. These services are free and available to the public. Live Chat with a counselor from home. To schedule a Live Chat appointment, call 893-7550.

Center for Academic Success (C.A.S.) Closed Summers             

Free drop-in tutoring in multiple subjects!  

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Thursday 12:00 to 5:00 PM

Kelly Candelaria是分配到格伦中心的中科院资源学习专家. You may contact her directly at or call (530) 879-6277 during CAS hours.

访问写作中心,寻求所有学科论文的帮助,甚至简历的帮助. 利用这些服务来帮助你准备期末考试并在学校取得成功. Bilingual tutors can help!      

通过Net Tutor进行的在线辅导是全天候开放的,对十大网赌正规平台的学生是免费的. Click here for more information. 

C.A.S. Workshops
免费上门研讨会涵盖了支持学生成功的各种主题.  Attend eight workshops and earn 1/2 of a unit! Click here for a description of the workshops. 

Chico State Admissions Counselor                                                                                                            科罗拉多州立大学奇科分校的全国十大赌博官网顾问每学期都会访问格伦中心,帮助回答有关转学的问题并帮助你申请.  Virtual appointments are available at this time. Contact Laura Villa at for more information or call (530) 898-5951. 

Counseling and Advising                                                                                                                 Remote appointments are now available! Schedule your own appointment online to meet with an Academic Counselor either virtually, by phone. In person appointments are available on Tuesdays from 9 AM to 5 PM. Call (530) 895-2429 to make an appointment. 

DSPS                                                                                                                                                          Disabled Students Programs & 服务可以帮助残疾学生获得成功学习的便利. Disabilities Specialist, Cedric King serves the Glenn County DSPS students. Please c请致电(530)895-2455或(530)895-2599预约TTY. Cedric is here from 1:00 to 4:00 PM every Wednesday. 

EOPS Counseling                                                                                                                                        扩展机会计划和服务为符合条件的经济和教育上处于不利地位的学生提供学术和财政援助. Llael Valle是格伦县的EOPS顾问,每个月的第二个星期四来这里. 请浏览以上连结的EOPS网页,查询工作时间及联络资料,或致电895-2555预约. 

Financial Aid Advising                                                                                                                               

Financial Aid at the Glenn Center. Starting October 2023, 十大网赌正规平台-格伦中心每周会有一天的财政援助代表. Alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please contact the Glenn Center for hours. 530-895-2429

Please call the Financial Aid Office at (530) 895-2311 or email for assistance. Services and information can be found on their webpage. First-time, 全日制学生可能有资格获得十大网赌正规平台承诺奖学金计划-最多2年免学费!

Food Pantry                                                                                                                                                    格伦中心通过在现场提供不易腐烂的食品储藏室来帮助那些经历饥饿和食物短缺的学生. Roadrunner Hub Basic Needs Resource Center is here to help!  Food bags and/or gift cards are provided to currenlty enrolled students. Cal Fresh,住房以及校园和社区资源的援助是可用的. (530) 893-7700                     

Inspiring Scholars/Foster Youth                                                                                                                 If you are currently or were formerly in foster care, there is a program to help you get into college, stay in college and reach your academic goals.  激励学者的工作人员将通过Zoom或亲自预约与学生单独会面. 有关该计划的更多信息,请致电或发短信(530)815-9895万斯·爱德华兹.                                                                  

Library                                                                                                                                                              The Virtual library online never closes. 24 hour access. 与图书管理员实时聊天,免费访问图书馆指南和研究数据库. New - Free one-year subscription to the New York Times. We are sorry but laptops will not be available for check-out this summer. Wi-Fi Hot Spots may be checked-out from the Chico Center or Main Campus, limited supply. 

Mental Health/Personal Counseling                                                                                                      Mental Health Specialist, Karen Johnson, LCSW, serves Glenn County, free of charge to students currently enrolled in Butte College classes. Please call the Student Health Center at                 (530) 895-2441 to schedule an appointment. 

       Orientation                                                                                                                                                               Sign-up for online Orientation. 十大网赌正规平台Reg2Go项目与当地的高中合作来激励学生, 支持并提供必要的工具,使学生成功地从高中过渡到大学. 参加Reg2Go项目的高中毕业生将参加迎新活动, counseling, 并在大四结束前在十大网赌正规平台注册. Check if your high school is participating in the Reg2Go Program. For questions                email us at or call 530-893-7480.         

Queer Resource Center                                                                                                                                QRC位于SSG 101的主校区,但为格伦县的学生提供服务, in support of the Gender and Sexuality Equity Team. 他们提供资源材料和教育研讨会,以支持LGBTQIA2s+的学生和员工,并帮助盟友成为更好的社区倡导者. Please contact Sierra Mullett-Kennedy (she/her) for more information or call (530) 879-6143.                                                     

Safe Place and Wellness Program
“安全之地”为经历情绪困扰的学生和性侵犯受害者提供一对一的危机支持, intimate partner violence, and stalking through crisis intervention, advocacy, and educational programming. To speak to a Safe Place advocate, please call (530) 879-6185 or email 

Student Activity Cards *Get yours NOW Online!                                                                                Click the link for more information. Find out more about how you can get involved in Student Life.  

Student Health                                                                                                                                           健康服务包括在学生健康费用中,每个学生在入学时支付.  A variety of services are available at the Main Campus. 看执业护士、医生或心理健康专家是免费的. Some tests, medications and procedures require a minimal fee. 点击上面的链接查看服务列表,包括COVID-19检测信息. Call (530) 895-2441 for an appointment. 

Student Success Services                                                                                                                              Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you on Financial Aid or Academic probation? Struggling with a low G.P.A.? Feeling like dropping out? We can help! 学生成功专家提供帮助和指导与SAP申诉文书工作, school schedules, educational plans, financial aid, housing referrals, and more. 我们也为无家可归的年轻人、无家可归的人或住房短缺的人提供支持.  Students may be eligible for gas cards, meal cards, lockers, hygiene kits, school supplies, and textbooks. 预约请致电(530)8779 -6260或发送电子邮件 

Technology Support - IT Services                                                                                                                Need help logging in to your student email? 联系IT部门重新设置密码(530)895-2925,或通过点击其网页上的按钮提交技术问题解决单. You can also email 

Transcripts                                                                                                                                                  Request official transcripts online from the link provided. Unofficial transcripts can be found in your MyBC Portal Self-Service. 

TRIO Student Support Services                                                                                                                   TRIO学生支持服务项目致力于为学生提供各种以学生为中心的教育支持服务. TRIO SSS proudly serves students who are first generation, low-income and/or students with disabilities. The purpose of the programs is to increase college retention, graduation and transfer rates for each participant. Some of our services include but are not limited to: campus visits; FAFSA assistance; financial literacy; academic advising; assistance with academic accommodations (DSPS students); advising on entering high-demand careers; student skills workshops and more. Contact (530) 895-2440.

Undocumented Student Support Center                                                                                              无证学生支持中心为无证学生和来自混合身份家庭的学生提供服务,为他们提供机构支持或社区服务. 提供的服务包括:加州非居民学费豁免(AB540), California Dream Act Application, DACA Updates and Scholarship Information.            Call (530) 895-2817.                                                                        

Veterans Services                                                                                                                                        Staff at the Veterans 资源中心为退伍军人和有资格服务的家属提供服务.                                                                                                                   



BC Connect

BC Connect

Butte College Glenn County Center
1366 Cortina Deive
Orland, CA  95963
(530) 895-2429


Content editor:
Stacey Jones
(530) 895-2429